{ Transcending :: Kelly Corrigan }
A tribe is more than just a random group of friends, it is an intentional community with a purpose, whether spoken or unspoken. Your purpose could be something as structured as joining together to meet for bible study and prayer, or as simple and casual as meeting for mutual support and companionship.
In my own “tribal” experience, the trust runs deep, the conversation, true and there is a loyal and loving commitment not only to the individuals in the tribe, but also to the tribe itself.
With artists and entreprenuers a special kind of tribe is extremely helpful in helping to keep you working at your craft in season and out. Julia Cameron calls them “Believing Mirrors”:
“Believing Mirrors” are people who mirror us back to ourselves as powerful, strong, and in our most positive light. Our Believing Mirrors are valuable people in our creative lives. Who are the Believing Mirrors in your life?
Up for discussion: What has been your experience with a “tribe”? What does your ideal tribe look like? Who are the believing mirrors in your life and why are they such potent forces for your good? Share your thoughts on today’s video…oh, to be a pigeon!