Dear Friends,
Did I even tell you that I’d be going to Surtex in New York City?! I haven’t been here in so long, I can’t remember. Well anyway, I did. Get to walk the show at Surtex in May. Surreal.

{ Me! At Surtex!!! In New York City!!! }
I made the choice to go to Surtex to “walk the show” (as an attendee, not as an exhibitor) about a month before it’s debut. I just simply needed to be there this year. My artwork was chosen by Janine Vangool, editor at Uppercase Magazine—for the cover of their annual Surface Pattern Design Guide—which was available to all Surtex attendees. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER Janine!!!

{ My artwork featured on the cover of the Uppercase Magazine Design Guide!!! }
Add to that, so many of my amazing online art friends were going to be there—especially my tribe from Lilla Rogers’ Make Art that Sells courses…how could I possibly turn away from being able to hug them and meet them in person?!

{ Wait a minute…whaaatt?! I went to Surtex?! }
And then of course, there was Lilla to meet. And Margo! (Why don’t I have a photo with her?!!!) Lilla arranged a meet up for 50 lucky peeps in a private room at Javits Center. There were hugs and smiles and lots of awestruckness. The talent in that room, man-oh-man!

{ With Lilla!!! }

{ With Lilla and the tribe: L to R: With Lilla Rogers, Barbara Zuckerman Chotiner, Jennifer Orkin Lewis, Amanda McGee }

{ L to R: With Kim Moulder, Jane Nesbit Sanders, Barbara Zuckerman Chotiner, Lucy Banaji, and Nancy Schwartz-Katz }
By far, the absolute hands down best part of attending Surtex was being able to meet my friends in real life. I didn’t want to leave them! I hope all of you realize as I do, that we’re going to have to make this an annual trip! SERIOUSLY. I miss you all so much already!

{ L to R: With Lucy Banaji, Zoe Ingram (the WINNER of the Global Talent Search 2013!) and Barbara Zuckerman Chotiner }
After a lifetime of feeling like a misfit in this universe, I found my art peeps. My tribe. There are so many of us women who are passionate, kind, hilarious, sensitive, creative…who are somehow finding a way to be mom, friend, sister, aunt, and artist. I don’t feel alone in this world anymore.

{ L to R: With Joanne Hus the Photo-bomber and Zoe Ingram }
There was an “instant” alchemy among us, nutured by a year of online friendship building.

{ L to R: With Lucy Banaji, Emily Balsley, Valerie Hart, Kim Gann, Barbara Zuckerman Chotiner, Deborah Velasquez }
These women…have my heart.

{ The Hall Family, hosting me for a couple of days in New Jersey }
And friends near and far. (Very, very far.)

{ L to R: Jenipher Lyn Gallardo, Rachel Place }
So many dear faces and personalities. I didn’t have enough time to sit and bask in the company of these amazing women.

{ L to R: Amanda McGee and Kim Botkins Hawes }
Hugs, girls!!!

It was a whirlwind trip...2 days in New Jersey and barely 4 days in New York City. I had just a day and a half to wander the city…WHEN I go again next year, I’ll have to tack on another week at least!

New York City, I love you so.