Dear Friends on the Internets and in Person,
Do you ever feel like you are from an alien planet and that somehow, your people left you behind on this weird world?
I feel like that every single day.
That my eyes see too much. That I speak my heart too loudly. That I feel and say and disagree with too much. That I am too imperfect to walk on the dirt of this earth. That I am plainly too much and not enough at the very same time.
But I don't know any other way to be.
All I can do is my best, and my best isn't always so great, but it's all I've got can I just say? It's all I've got. And what's a girl to do when she's given all she's got and it just ain't enough? Beats me.
"For this we need Jesus," I say to myself, but then I wonder if my lack is too much for even His grace because the truth is, it FEELS like I'm not even good enough for grace, which isn't possible I know, but I've got the FEEEEEEELSSSSS.
So I've got Jesus. And I've got you. And I've got art and words, and that's a lot. And what was it that Anne Lamott says--“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”
I've got stories, let me tell you.