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November 02, 2014


Crystal Neubauer

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad and the continued illness your mom is suffering. This season has been such a challenge for you, but the fact that you are allowing the creativity to come through by way of sharing these glimpses of this journey with all of us in such a real honest raw way is such a gift that I feel incredibly honored to know you.


I've been a sporadic follower of your blog (my fault entirely), but have always gravitated towards your raw honesty, hopeful storytelling, and 442nd-related stories. I am so sorry for your loss, and am inspired by all the wonderful things you've accomplished while living it all. My husband's grandfather was in the 442nd, and while I never knew his grandfather, I learned a little bit more about these historic men through your experiences with your dad--this matters to me more than can be conveyed on paper. Thank you.

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