A month and a half ahem, a little while ago (*cough*) artist supernova Lisa Firke tagged me to participate in this “Artists Around the World Blog Hop”. I’m not sure how or who it began with, but it’s my turn. Meet Lisa (she’s the one behind the rabbit)!
Hi Lisa! ((waving)) I met Lisa in Lilla Roger’s Make Art that Sells course—take it so that you can meet people like Lisa or maybe even Lisa herself!
The woman creates the most beautiful, nuanced art, and is a prolific painter and illustrator. Among her works, I’m featuring a few of my favorites here:
{ Plate, Bowl and Mug surface pattern design :: contact Lisa here to license her art! }
{ Watercolor, Works on Paper }
In addition to these one of a kind pieces of art, Lisa also has two interesting projects under works. One is “Rabbit, Rabbit”:
and the other is Inky 500, which Lisa describes as “a personal challenge I set for myself during 2014”. AND she has a COOL video which you can watch here!
Now, I’m supposed to asnwer these here questions. Go:
1. What are you writing/working on?
After a harrowing six months or so, I’m eeevvvveeerrr so sllllooowwwly making my way back to creating again. I am in the very painful OMG-I’m-Never-Gonna-Get-Back-to-Where-I-Was stage, but I’m practicing courage and starting.
{ Begin. | Sketchbook 2014 }
That being said, at the very tippy top of my creative to-do list is to finish up as much of my Kickstarter project as humanly possible before the year’s end. To that end, I’ve set up a new blog with writings that will be the core of my solo show sometime in 2015.
2. How does your work differ from others in your genre?
Um...see #1. Genre? What Genre?!
3. Why do you create?
It’s all about the love, baby, all about the love. I create because I can’t not create. When I’m not illustrating or painting or sketching I’m writing. It’s as necessary as breathing and a lot more fun! Creating helps keep me sane (thank you art) and helps me tap into my deep joy!
4. How does your creative process work?
Ha. Loaded question. Put it this way—I’m never more sure of my insecurities and neurosis than when I am creating! My process starts with a hunch, a yank of some kind—an idea that like a puppy dog doesn’t let go of the bone. I follow it up with sketches usually and if there’s still that zing I’ll go a little further in and see if I can develop the idea more fully. Lots of my ideas have lived in my sketchbooks for months or even years before I find a use for them. Then there’s lots of doubt, sprinkled with fear and anxiety and a period—usually after a work has been shown or published, when I hate what I’ve created. Eventually I’ll like it again, but not always. And if there’s a deadline there’s certain to be a good deal of panic thrown in there somewhere!
Now, I get to tag two artists that I’d like you to know more about! The first is Crystal Neubauer.
{ Crystal Marie Neubauer the Fabulous! }
Crystal is everything I want to be when I grow up. She is a sister to me in every sense of the word and a wonderful artist and friend. I’ve gushed about her here before and this won’t be the last time, either! :) Her work is earthy, richly textured, with an intensity of spirit imbued in her work. Follow this girl, because she is on the rise!!!
The second artist you MUST follow is Lucy Banaji, who I met online in Lilla’s class, but who I really got to know when we shared a bed as roomies in New York City for our Surtex trip this past May. I highly recommend rooming together with near strangers because if they are your Lilla classmates, you will make the best friends!!!
{ Lucy on the left, Zoe Ingram, Barbara Chotiner and me, Surtex 2014, NYC }
She is hilarious, witty and one of my favoritest artists ever (who will be really surprised I have tagger her here, thank you Lucy!!!)
{ Screenprint | © Lucy Banaji http://www.lucybanaji.com/blog/ }
SEE??!!! Fresh! Whimsical, warm and witty, just like Lucy :)!
{ Nightlife | © Lucy Banaji http://www.lucybanaji.com/blog/2014/10/21/nightlife }
love ALL the artists highlighted here—including you Jan! :)) great fun reading about my friends:D
Posted by: Kim Moulder | November 25, 2014 at 01:42 PM
I love that first piece by Lisa too and Lucy's nightlife I'd not seen before - its gorgeous. Crystal's work I'd not seen before so thank you Jan ! x Gabs
Posted by: Gabriella Buckingham | November 28, 2014 at 06:09 AM