A Year
A year is made up of 8765.81 hours, 525,949 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds. How many hours did I really LIVE this year...just being vertical and breathing in and out doesn’t count, and I’m not talking about being in survial mode (of which, I am an expert at, sadly), or killing time...I’m asking myself, how much of 2013 did I really live? 1 hour? 10 hours? 100 hours?
What about YOU? How many hours, minutes and seconds did YOU really live, in 2013?
Take a minute (that’s 60 precious seconds) to really think about all that’s happened in 2013.
We’re here. We’ve been gifted another Christmas Eve, looking forward to another New Year...but who is to say that we will ever have another? Another year, another day, another minute? What if this is the last Christmas Eve we ever get, and this time next year we’re stardust? A sobering thought, yes?
Mitch Albom in “Tuesdays with Morrie” says:
“Everyone knows they're going to die but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently.”
A Word, A Promise to Myself
This year, I will live wholeheartedly. I will be intentional about showing up for my life, every second of everyday. I say this knowing that everyday, I will fail with the best of intentions, but I will aspire and try anyway. This year, I will pursue my art dreams, seek out an agent, hone my craft, love my family and build a joyful life by planning and doing things that bring me joy. I won’t wait around for good things to happen in 2014...I will seek them out and I will look for ways to be a blessing to others. In 2014, I will keep being brave. I will risk rejection and failure and write, oh, I will write even if I’m writing just for me. I will give this life my all, I will live with my heart wide open and I when life pushes me, I will push back because life is precious and the time is at hand.
What about you? Do you believe that, one day, you will die? In light of this, how do you choose to LIVE in 2014? I’d love to know!