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September 11, 2013



Together onward with much respect and love...


"The reward is in the risk" . . . yes, indeed! There is value in doing the thing courageously!! I am so inspired by you, Jan! You motivate me to get my tail moving! Much love to you over those many waves! ~ jodi


good morning/day/evening-

well, a congrats 2 u, as well-you know......even tho u did not win the top prize this year,

u completed the class n competed n a global contest w/ some top illustrators n designers; which means u r a part of them, now.

u learned alot along the way including not 2 rush a submission, and stay on palette, or size !...but let one's work stew a bit-as that time is worthy, also.and 2 give merit 2 last minute designs :)

u created some wonderful new work that tapped some gr8 avenues 4 u 2 explore, in depth.

u have received global exposure n recognition; new fans & followers, 2.

u clearly grew as an artist & as a giving, growing, authentic person!

congrats & i hope 2 c ur new works posted, when ready:)


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