Dear Family and Friends,
“The reward is in the risk.” ~ Rachel Cohn
My journey in the Lilla Rogers’ GTS is over for me...I dared greatly, but I didn't make it into the finals, and I couldn’t go forward without first saying a very heartfelt 'THANK YOU!' to all of you who voted for my design, sent me encouraging words, left comments here on the blog and on Facebook and gave me generous heaps of your love and support.
Looking ahead, there is still much art to make, more words to say and life to live. I’m looking forward to the next leg of my creative journey with hope. Mostly, I sit here grateful for you—my community—who stepped forward during this season and helped fuel me on...I am so much more aware now that I am not alone on this journey, that I am supported by hundreds of you that believe in me and hold me in your well wishes and hearts.
Together, onward!
Jan :)
Together onward with much respect and love...
Posted by: Sue | September 11, 2013 at 09:18 PM
"The reward is in the risk" . . . yes, indeed! There is value in doing the thing courageously!! I am so inspired by you, Jan! You motivate me to get my tail moving! Much love to you over those many waves! ~ jodi
Posted by: Jodene | September 12, 2013 at 03:34 AM
good morning/day/evening-
well, a congrats 2 u, as well-you know......even tho u did not win the top prize this year,
u completed the class n competed n a global contest w/ some top illustrators n designers; which means u r a part of them, now.
u learned alot along the way including not 2 rush a submission, and stay on palette, or size !...but let one's work stew a bit-as that time is worthy, also.and 2 give merit 2 last minute designs :)
u created some wonderful new work that tapped some gr8 avenues 4 u 2 explore, in depth.
u have received global exposure n recognition; new fans & followers, 2.
u clearly grew as an artist & as a giving, growing, authentic person!
congrats & i hope 2 c ur new works posted, when ready:)
Posted by: gina | October 08, 2013 at 05:22 AM