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September 21, 2011



A sideways stack. What fun it would be to pull and look through each and item. Love your photography too.


Love that you have stacks vertically and horizontally! Great banner.

donna joy

love the double stack-i do the same thing-"stack" them where ever they will fit!


thanks for the peek!
PS (My daughter used to have a bumper sticker that said, "Not all who wander are lost" on her truck. :)

Jan LaFollette

Great photo, the banner just tops it off! I was curious about the name Hazelnut Cottage, so I had to go searching through you blog....I see it has to do with the last name. I live in Oregon, where much of the world supply of Hazelnuts grow, so I was curious. You, also, want a beach cottage...if you aren't already, you NEED to live in Oregon! haha

April Cole

This is a fantastic stack! :]
Thanks for sharing, love it!!


Oh wow, I love the sideways/upward stacks! gorgeous!


so fun to see your stack and the space that it's in...love the banner with your stack too!

Lee Anne

Love the Photo!


Very inviting stack you have there! Such fun!

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