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September 16, 2011



"aggressive self-care mode" - I'm glad to hear that is the plan, but am so sorry to hear how hard things have been. Even in this, you are inspiring.


I'm totally grokking the idea of 'aggressive self-care mode'. <3

Cindy Silverstein

Jan, I wish you perfect health, healing and great joy. Thank you for sharing what must be a difficult, although necessary, decision. I guess when we go too far, our bodies make the decision for us. I have been there and am climbing out slowly but steadily. It's a difficult lesson to learn how important it is to take care of ourselves. Listening closely to what that inner voice is trying to tell us is crucial. It is a process and I have to remind myself every day to take the time that my mind/body/spirit craves...I must do that for the benefit of everyone. Bless you in your healing process. Rest well.


Love you, sis...know your journey and your angst. am here for you...


I love this post. And I think you are totally a kindred spirit :). Praying for your rest and I'm with you in the "trusting!"

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